To Lord Shiva The Greatest Vaishnava

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Thursday, 22 November 2012

Position Of Lord Shiva

 Position Of Lord Shiva - Vishwanath

In the Bhagavatam (4.3.23), Lord Shiva himself tells his wife, Sati, he is always engaged in worshiping the Supreme Personality known as Lord Vasudeva, Krishna, who is revealed in pure consciousness, by offering obeisances.

       Herein, we can see that in actuality Lord Shiva is subordinate to Lord Vishnu, Krishna, in that he is also a part of Lord Krishna’s universal form, as described in the Bhagavad-gita (11.15). Therein we find: “Arjuna said: My dear Lord Krishna, I see assembled together in Your [universal] body all the demigods and various other living entities. I see Brahma sitting on the lotus flower as well as Lord Shiva and many sages and divine serpents.”

       In the pastimes of Lord Krishna in Vrindavana, we find that Lord Shiva had also tried to enter the rasa-lila dance between Krishna and the gopis, the cowherd damsels. The Mahadeva Gopisvara temple in Vrindavana is said to mark where Lord Shiva desired to become a gopi in order to enter the dance with Lord Krishna. So Lord Shiva was trying to enter into the most confidential pastimes and devotion of Sri Krishna.

       In another light, Lord Shiva is Lord Krishna’s brother-in-law. At the time of Krishna’s birth pastime in Vrindavana, Yasoda bore a daughter, Katyayani or Durga, and Mother Devaki bore a son, Lord Krishna. To save Him from the nefarious King Kamsa, Krishna’s father, Vasudeva, brought Krishna from Mathura to Gokul and exchanged Him with the daughter of Mother Yasoda, taking the daughter back with him. When King Kamsa came to get the new born from Mother Devaki, the child rose into the air and exhibited her form as the eight-armed Durga and chastised Kamsa. Durga is Lord Shiva’s wife, and in this pastime Lord Krishna’s sister, so it can also be said that Shiva is the brother-in-law of Lord Krishna.

       In another place in the Bhagavatam (8.12.10), when Lord Shiva was bewildered by the Supreme Lord’s form as a beautiful woman, Mohini-Murti, Lord Shiva admits his weakness in being unable to fully understand the illusory nature of this material creation. “O My Lord, I, who am considered to be the best of the demigods, and Lord Brahma and the great rishis, headed by Marichi, are born of the mode of goodness. Nonetheless, we are bewildered by Your illusory energy and cannot understand what this creation is. Aside from us, what is to be said of others, like the demons and human beings, who are in the base modes of material nature [rajo-guna and tamo-guna]? How will they know You?”

       Later, Lord Shiva, who is often pictured in meditation, explains to his wife who it is that he meditates on while in trance. He says, “O Goddess, You have now seen the illusory energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the unborn master of everyone. Although I am one of the principal expansions of His Lordship, even I was illusioned by His energy. What then is to be said of others, who are fully dependent on maya? When I finished performing mystic yoga for one thousand years, you asked me upon whom was I meditating. Now, here is the Supreme Person to whom time has no entrance and who the Vedas cannot understand.”

 Another time when Lord Shiva described his subservient position was when Lord Krishna was battling with Banasura, who was a devotee of Lord Shiva, and was cutting off his hundreds of arms. When it looked like Banasura was about to lose his life, Lord Shiva, who had also been a part of the battle scene, approached Lord Krishna to pacify Him and spare Banasura’s life. Therein (Bhagavatam 10.63.34-45) it is related, “Sri Rudra said: You alone are the absolute Truth, the supreme light, the mystery hidden within the verbal manifestation of the Absolute. Those whose hearts are spotless can see You, for You are uncontaminated, like the sky.” In the ten verses that follow, Lord Shiva also addresses Lord Krishna in other ways: “Your current descent into the material realm, O Lord of unrestricted power, is meant for upholding the principles of justice and benefitting the entire universe. We demigods, each depending on Your grace and authority, develop the seven planetary systems. You are the original person, one without a second, transcendental and self-manifesting. Uncaused, you are the cause of all, and You are the ultimate controller.”

When Uddhava was praying to Lord Krishna, he said, “Even Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva act only as Your instruments in cosmic creation and annihilation, which are ultimately done by You, The Supreme Lord, in Your invisible aspect of time.”

One of the major differences between Shiva and Krishna is described as follows: “Sri Shukadeva Gosvami said: Lord Shiva is always united with his personal energy, the material nature. Manifesting himself in three features in response to the entreaties of nature’s three modes, he thus embodies the threefold principle of material ego in goodness, passion and ignorance. The sixteen elements have evolved as transformations of that false ego. When a devotee of Lord Shiva worships his manifestation in any one of these elements, the devotee obtains all sorts of corresponding enjoyable opulences. Lord Hari, however, has no connection with the material modes. He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the all-seeing eternal witness, who is transcendental to material nature. One who worships Him becomes similarly free from the material modes.”

Thus a worshiper of Lord Shiva gets the results that are conditional to the affects of material nature, while a worshiper of Lord Krishna gets released from the material nature rather than receiving material opulences.

 So in this regard, Sri Shukadeva Gosvami said, “Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva and others are able to curse or bless one. Lord Shiva and Lord Brahma are very quick to curse or bestow benedictions, my dear King, but the infallible Supreme Lord is not.”   

Another aspect of understanding Shiva’s position has to do with his purpose, which is connected with how he appeared. This is clearly explained in the ancient text of the Brahma-samhita (verse 15). Therein we find it said “The same Maha-Vishnu created [His next expansion of] Vishnu [Garbhodakashayi Vishnu] from His left limb, Brahma, the first progenitor of beings, from His right limb and, from the space between His two eyebrows, Shambhu, the divine masculine manifested halo.”

       In an explanation of this, when the mundane creation of the universe is manifested, then the principle of Shambhu in the form of Rudra is born from the space between the two eyebrows of Vishnu. Shambhu enshrines the principle of materialistic ego. This principle makes the living being identify with the material body, subject to the desires for material and bodily happiness. (Brahma-samhita, verse 16, purport)

       So the power of Lord Shiva comes from the potency of Lord Vishnu. This is described as follows in verse 10 of the Brahma-samhita: “The person embodying the material causal principle, viz., the great lord of this mundane world [Maheshvara] Shambhu, in the form of the male generating organ, is joined to his female consort, the limited energy [Maya] as the efficient causal principle. The Lord of the world Maha-Vishnu is manifest in him by His subjective portion in the form of His glance.”

       In this way, during the process of the material creation, and when Maha-Vishnu casts His glance onto the shadowy potency of Maya, Shambhu, lord of the pradhana (the unmanifest material ingredients), who is the same as Rudra, consummates his intercourse with Maya, the efficient principle of the cause of mundane energy. But Shambhu can do nothing independent of the energy of Maha-Vishnu, who represents the direct spiritual power of Krishna. In this way, the principle of the material creation is produced only when Maha-Vishnu, the plenary portion of Lord Krishna, is propitious towards the active endeavors of Maya, Shiva’s consort, and the principle of mundane causality. (Brahma-samhita, verse 10, purport)

So the difference between Maha-Vishnu and Shiva as Shambhu is more clearly described in the Brahma-samhita (verse 45) as follows: “Just as milk is transformed into curd by the action of acids, but yet the effect curd is neither the same as, nor different from, its cause, viz., milk, so I adore the primeval Lord Govinda of whom the state of Shambhu is a transformation for the performance of the work of destruction.”
Shiva is not a second Godhead other than Krishna. In fact, those who entertain such a discriminating sentiment commit a great offense to the Supreme Lord. The position of Shambhu is subservient to that of Govinda, Krishna. Hence they are not really different from each other, as the above verse indicates. But as yogurt comes from its initial cause, so Shiva is manifest according to his initial cause, which is from Krishna through Maha-Vishnu. So God takes a subservient position to His direct forms when He attains a distinct personality by the addition of a particular element of adulteration, which is the form of Lord Shiva or Shambhu, through which the Lord comes in contact with the material energy, since Maha-Vishnu never does touch the mundane energy. However, Shiva has no independent initiative or ability.

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta further describes that in this way, Govinda manifests Himself as a plenary portion which, in this case, is a guna-avatara in the form of Shambhu, lord of tamo-guna or the mode of darkness... Thus, Shambhu, in pursuance of the will of Govinda, works in union with his consort, Durga-devi, by his own time energy.

Therefore, the real difference between Govinda and Shiva or Brahma is that all the majestic attributes of God are fully present in the form of Govinda, Krishna. Shiva and Brahma are entities adulterated with mundane qualities, however slight they may be. Though Vishnu is also a divine appearance in the mode of goodness, still He is not adulterated. The appearance of Narayana as Maha-Vishnu, or as Garbhodakashayi Vishnu (Vishnu’s expansion in each universe) and Kshirodakashayi Vishnu (Vishnu’s expansion as the Supersoul), are examples of the ubiquitous function of the Supreme Divinity. Lord Vishnu is Godhead Himself, and the two other guna-avataras and all the other gods are entities possessing authority in subordination to Him. The different incarnations of the Supreme Being, Govinda, are the same as the same light appearing in different candles, all shining by the spiritual potency of Govinda, Krishna. (Brahma-samhita, verse forty-six, purport)

This makes it clear that the forms and positions of Shiva and Brahma are eternal, but only in the context of the endurance of the material creation. Lord Shiva is the lord of tamo-guna and material nature, but not of the spiritual world. It is Lord Krishna who is described as the Supreme Being and controller of both the spiritual and material energies.

Lord Krishna has sixty divine qualities in their fullest measure. While 50 of the divine qualities of the jiva souls are present along with five additional qualities in Lord Brahma, yet in Shiva these fifty-five qualities are also present but in greater degrees than in Lord Brahma. (Brahma-samhita, verse 49, purport)  

Thus, the position of Lord Shiva has been described relative to his purpose and function within the material creation, and his form as an expansion of Lord Krishna.



  1. Wonderful article, Lord siva must be pleased by your efforts Pr.
    Thank you very much.



  4. There thousands of Swamis but none explained the difference between the God Krishna and the Lord Shiva.
    Swami means selfless person, presently awarded to the dress πŸ‘—
    Understand the difference between the LORD & the GOD
    Christ said that, "I died because of your sins (ego)"
    This means if you do away with your ego, you can experience the Christ within you.
    All religions are equal & single philosophy. Understand the difference between LORD & GOD
    The death of the self (God), of Jesus and the birth of the selfless, Christ pbuh (Lord) ⏩ CHRISTMAS / XMAS
    The death of the self (God/Allah),  of Ahamed Musthafa and the birth of the selfless, prophet Muhammad pbuh (Rabb/Lord) ⏩ MILADUN  NABIY.
    The death of the self (God/Bodisatva), of  Siddhartha and the birth of the selfless, Gauthama pbuh (Lord) ⏩ WESAK
    The prophets and saints are spiritualities (Reality), not physical entities.
    G O D ▶ Avaricious, evolving in delusion. Worship ▶ Wore-ship  ▶ Yaa  ▶ Remove one.
    LORD (Rabb)▶Consciousness
    Within your consciousness,  all prophets and saints are alive. Activate your selfless bliss by talking to them.
    Understand your religions, Through ACRONYMS ⏩⏩⏩ ENGLISH & ARABIC TRUE ESSENCE OF RELIGIONS' To unite all

  5. There thousands of Swamis but none explained the difference between the God Krishna and the Lord Shiva.
    Swami means selfless person, presently awarded to the dress πŸ‘—
    Understand the difference between the LORD & the GOD
    Christ said that, "I died because of your sins (ego)"
    This means if you do away with your ego, you can experience the Christ within you.
    All religions are equal & single philosophy. Understand the difference between LORD & GOD
    The death of the self (God), of Jesus and the birth of the selfless, Christ pbuh (Lord) ⏩ CHRISTMAS / XMAS
    The death of the self (God/Allah),  of Ahamed Musthafa and the birth of the selfless, prophet Muhammad pbuh (Rabb/Lord) ⏩ MILADUN  NABIY.
    The death of the self (God/Bodisatva), of  Siddhartha and the birth of the selfless, Gauthama pbuh (Lord) ⏩ WESAK
    The prophets and saints are spiritualities (Reality), not physical entities.
    G O D ▶ Avaricious, evolving in delusion. Worship ▶ Wore-ship  ▶ Yaa  ▶ Remove one.
    LORD (Rabb)▶Consciousness
    Within your consciousness,  all prophets and saints are alive. Activate your selfless bliss by talking to them.
    Understand your religions, Through ACRONYMS ⏩⏩⏩ ENGLISH & ARABIC TRUE ESSENCE OF RELIGIONS' To unite all

  6. You are showing iskcon bhagavatam. Use j.l.sastri bhagavata purana to read the true one.

  7. You are showing iskcon bhagavatam. Use j.l.sastri bhagavata purana to read the true one.

  8. You are showing iskcon bhagavatam. Use j.l.sastri bhagavata purana to read the true one.

  9. It is perfectly fine. Any commentary on Bhagavatam should directly come from self realised souls from one of the authentic sampradayas. Iskcon directly comes in line from the disciplic succession of vyasadeva and Narada , so it is perfectly alright. Otherwise no scholar should dare to touch Bhagavatam or getting cheap appraisal from the community without having realised the essence of Bhagavatam.It is strictly reserved for paramahamsas.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. do u ever hear that
    SHREE KRISHNA can be controlled by KAAM DEV
    but kaam dev had a great fear of MAHADEV

    1. Bhagwata Purana states that Vishnu is more supreme than Shiva, and from Vishnu, Brahma and by Brahma, Shiva was born. But if that is so, why does Vishnu worship Shiva in all of his incarnations, whereas Shiva never worships anybody?
      Shiva Purana says that Vishnu and Brahma were created from Aadi Anant JyotirStambha of Shiva. When there was a dispute between Brahma and Vishnu about who is more supreme, at that time, Shiva appeared as Jyotirstambha and asked both of them to reach start and end of it. Vishnu traveled downwards to reach end and Brahma traveled upwards to reach beginning, but both of them failed and considered there is no end of Shiva and asked Shiva to guide them. In this story Brahma lied that he reached beginning, So Shiva banned his worships in Hinduism, which is true. Brahma's son Daksha Prajapati was against Shiva because of this reason only.
      Now, Lord Rama established Shiva Linga when he was marching towards Lanka which is known as Rameshwara Mahadeva meaning Ishwar (God) of Rama. In Ramayana, when Lord Rama wanted to do Prashchatap because he considered killing Ravana as sin of killing a brahmana, he asked Hanumanji to organize to establish a Shiva Linga and asked again Shiva for mercy and to cut his sin. If Lord is himself able to cut sins, can't he cut his own sins?

      In Krishna avatar when Krishna wanted to bring some tree Kalpa Vriksha from Indra, he worshiped Shiva for blessings and that is known as Gopeshwara Mahadeva in vrindavana meaning Ishwara (God) of Gopal (Krishna). Also when Krishna wanted to have a son, he asked sages and from their advice he prayed to Lord Shiva to get a son. If Krishna was Vishnu against who nothing will happen, why he said that "Shive Sarvadhi Sadhike" means nothing happens without Shiva's will, so please bless me with son!! when the Mahabharata was about to be battled he asked Pandavas to have bliss of Shiva first and arranged a Pooja of Shiva Linga.

      In Bhagwata Purana also, there is a story about Lakshmi Devi's unhappiness with Vishnu because Vishnu told her that half area of his heart is dedicated to Lord Shiva only. And in the rest of the half, all the creatures of world and all deities including her wife Lakshmi lives!

      Parashurama is also considered as great devotee of Shiva, Shiva gave him Parashu (axe), for which Parashurama is famous for.

      So, why doesn't Shiva worship anybody whereas Vishnu worships him in all his incarnations?

      What I think is, because Shiva is the only Supreme Paramatma as he is unborn (Ajanma), Akarta and Abhokta (Vairagi) as said in Geeta that God is Ajanma, Akarta and Abhokta. God is neerakar (shapeless and formless), Shiva Linga is symbol of Shiva's such form only.

      And also Vishnu always advised other deities (Kartikeya, Indra, Parvati, etc.) to worship Shiva only if they have mistakenly committed sins.

  12. LORD SHIVA is above of all devs (even SHRI KRISHNA)
    that's why he is known as MAHESHWAR (means ULTIMATE ONE)

    1. You are right... He is the Supreme... The Lord of universe. That's why Vishnu ji on every incarnation worship Mahadev. He is above all gunas..Krishna Bhagwan also know that he is after Mahadev... Har Har Mahadev.. Jai Shree Krishna..

    for any question

    1. Bhagwata Purana states that Vishnu is more supreme than Shiva, and from Vishnu, Brahma and by Brahma, Shiva was born. But if that is so, why does Vishnu worship Shiva in all of his incarnations, whereas Shiva never worships anybody?
      Shiva Purana says that Vishnu and Brahma were created from Aadi Anant JyotirStambha of Shiva. When there was a dispute between Brahma and Vishnu about who is more supreme, at that time, Shiva appeared as Jyotirstambha and asked both of them to reach start and end of it. Vishnu traveled downwards to reach end and Brahma traveled upwards to reach beginning, but both of them failed and considered there is no end of Shiva and asked Shiva to guide them. In this story Brahma lied that he reached beginning, So Shiva banned his worships in Hinduism, which is true. Brahma's son Daksha Prajapati was against Shiva because of this reason only.
      Now, Lord Rama established Shiva Linga when he was marching towards Lanka which is known as Rameshwara Mahadeva meaning Ishwar (God) of Rama. In Ramayana, when Lord Rama wanted to do Prashchatap because he considered killing Ravana as sin of killing a brahmana, he asked Hanumanji to organize to establish a Shiva Linga and asked again Shiva for mercy and to cut his sin. If Lord is himself able to cut sins, can't he cut his own sins?

      In Krishna avatar when Krishna wanted to bring some tree Kalpa Vriksha from Indra, he worshiped Shiva for blessings and that is known as Gopeshwara Mahadeva in vrindavana meaning Ishwara (God) of Gopal (Krishna). Also when Krishna wanted to have a son, he asked sages and from their advice he prayed to Lord Shiva to get a son. If Krishna was Vishnu against who nothing will happen, why he said that "Shive Sarvadhi Sadhike" means nothing happens without Shiva's will, so please bless me with son!! when the Mahabharata was about to be battled he asked Pandavas to have bliss of Shiva first and arranged a Pooja of Shiva Linga.

      In Bhagwata Purana also, there is a story about Lakshmi Devi's unhappiness with Vishnu because Vishnu told her that half area of his heart is dedicated to Lord Shiva only. And in the rest of the half, all the creatures of world and all deities including her wife Lakshmi lives!

      Parashurama is also considered as great devotee of Shiva, Shiva gave him Parashu (axe), for which Parashurama is famous for.

      So, why doesn't Shiva worship anybody whereas Vishnu worships him in all his incarnations?

      What I think is, because Shiva is the only Supreme Paramatma as he is unborn (Ajanma), Akarta and Abhokta (Vairagi) as said in Geeta that God is Ajanma, Akarta and Abhokta. God is neerakar (shapeless and formless), Shiva Linga is symbol of Shiva's such form only.

      And also Vishnu always advised other deities (Kartikeya, Indra, Parvati, etc.) to worship Shiva only if they have mistakenly committed sins.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. DURGA MAA gives cshakti(power) to all gods and goddess even to
    SHRI KRISHNA but even DURGA MAA is not complete without of

  15. Comparing Shiva and Krishna is an act of foolishness. You are comparing a one supreme. Hari can't be without Har or Hara. He is the supreme one and alone. He loves the name which is used by his devotees. Either name could be Shiva, Rudra, Shankar, Bholeynath, Narayan, Hari, Krishna, Ram. Whatever. But this is true that demigods exist who are only a creation of Supreme. That's it.

  16. Very interesting and helpful to one who is not Hindu born, but values the gods of this pantheon

  17. U say u don't take any sides but it's pretty clear from your answer that you are clearly inclined towards the vaishnava side. What kind of hypocrisy is this? Why don't u answer from the shaivite or advaita perspective also?

  18. U say u don't take any sides but it's pretty clear from your answer that you are clearly inclined towards the vaishnava side. What kind of hypocrisy is this? Why don't u answer from the shaivite or advaita perspective also?

  19. Maha dev is greatest krishna said I m greatest in devas but lord shiv is not dev he is MAHA DEV

  20. I think this discussion is important for those who are in search of ultimate truth and not for those who just want a debate. We all follow Bhagvadgita as has been told by Supreme Godhead himself. It is very much evident from Bhavadgita that only Lord Krishna is the supreme Godhead and none other. He has asserted to worship of other Gods is also good but it is avidhipurvak as ultimately it reaches to lord Krishna only. So it is really individual choice whom to worship and accordingly he will be benefited. Worshipping lord Krishna is the worship of the supreme Godhead and totally vidhipurvak and recommended even by lord Shiva.

    1. Bhagwata Purana states that Vishnu is more supreme than Shiva, and from Vishnu, Brahma and by Brahma, Shiva was born. But if that is so, why does Vishnu worship Shiva in all of his incarnations, whereas Shiva never worships anybody?
      Shiva Purana says that Vishnu and Brahma were created from Aadi Anant JyotirStambha of Shiva. When there was a dispute between Brahma and Vishnu about who is more supreme, at that time, Shiva appeared as Jyotirstambha and asked both of them to reach start and end of it. Vishnu traveled downwards to reach end and Brahma traveled upwards to reach beginning, but both of them failed and considered there is no end of Shiva and asked Shiva to guide them. In this story Brahma lied that he reached beginning, So Shiva banned his worships in Hinduism, which is true. Brahma's son Daksha Prajapati was against Shiva because of this reason only.
      Now, Lord Rama established Shiva Linga when he was marching towards Lanka which is known as Rameshwara Mahadeva meaning Ishwar (God) of Rama. In Ramayana, when Lord Rama wanted to do Prashchatap because he considered killing Ravana as sin of killing a brahmana, he asked Hanumanji to organize to establish a Shiva Linga and asked again Shiva for mercy and to cut his sin. If Lord is himself able to cut sins, can't he cut his own sins?

      In Krishna avatar when Krishna wanted to bring some tree Kalpa Vriksha from Indra, he worshiped Shiva for blessings and that is known as Gopeshwara Mahadeva in vrindavana meaning Ishwara (God) of Gopal (Krishna). Also when Krishna wanted to have a son, he asked sages and from their advice he prayed to Lord Shiva to get a son. If Krishna was Vishnu against who nothing will happen, why he said that "Shive Sarvadhi Sadhike" means nothing happens without Shiva's will, so please bless me with son!! when the Mahabharata was about to be battled he asked Pandavas to have bliss of Shiva first and arranged a Pooja of Shiva Linga.

      In Bhagwata Purana also, there is a story about Lakshmi Devi's unhappiness with Vishnu because Vishnu told her that half area of his heart is dedicated to Lord Shiva only. And in the rest of the half, all the creatures of world and all deities including her wife Lakshmi lives!

      Parashurama is also considered as great devotee of Shiva, Shiva gave him Parashu (axe), for which Parashurama is famous for.

      So, why doesn't Shiva worship anybody whereas Vishnu worships him in all his incarnations?

      What I think is, because Shiva is the only Supreme Paramatma as he is unborn (Ajanma), Akarta and Abhokta (Vairagi) as said in Geeta that God is Ajanma, Akarta and Abhokta. God is neerakar (shapeless and formless), Shiva Linga is symbol of Shiva's such form only.

      And also Vishnu always advised other deities (Kartikeya, Indra, Parvati, etc.) to worship Shiva only if they have mistakenly committed sins.

  21. Hi,
    Thanks for providing the informative article. Really enjoyed the information. Krsna’ – Lord Krishna

  22. Bhagwata Purana states that Vishnu is more supreme than Shiva, and from Vishnu, Brahma and by Brahma, Shiva was born. But if that is so, why does Vishnu worship Shiva in all of his incarnations, whereas Shiva never worships anybody?
    Shiva Purana says that Vishnu and Brahma were created from Aadi Anant JyotirStambha of Shiva. When there was a dispute between Brahma and Vishnu about who is more supreme, at that time, Shiva appeared as Jyotirstambha and asked both of them to reach start and end of it. Vishnu traveled downwards to reach end and Brahma traveled upwards to reach beginning, but both of them failed and considered there is no end of Shiva and asked Shiva to guide them. In this story Brahma lied that he reached beginning, So Shiva banned his worships in Hinduism, which is true. Brahma's son Daksha Prajapati was against Shiva because of this reason only.
    Now, Lord Rama established Shiva Linga when he was marching towards Lanka which is known as Rameshwara Mahadeva meaning Ishwar (God) of Rama. In Ramayana, when Lord Rama wanted to do Prashchatap because he considered killing Ravana as sin of killing a brahmana, he asked Hanumanji to organize to establish a Shiva Linga and asked again Shiva for mercy and to cut his sin. If Lord is himself able to cut sins, can't he cut his own sins?

    In Krishna avatar when Krishna wanted to bring some tree Kalpa Vriksha from Indra, he worshiped Shiva for blessings and that is known as Gopeshwara Mahadeva in vrindavana meaning Ishwara (God) of Gopal (Krishna). Also when Krishna wanted to have a son, he asked sages and from their advice he prayed to Lord Shiva to get a son. If Krishna was Vishnu against who nothing will happen, why he said that "Shive Sarvadhi Sadhike" means nothing happens without Shiva's will, so please bless me with son!! when the Mahabharata was about to be battled he asked Pandavas to have bliss of Shiva first and arranged a Pooja of Shiva Linga.

    In Bhagwata Purana also, there is a story about Lakshmi Devi's unhappiness with Vishnu because Vishnu told her that half area of his heart is dedicated to Lord Shiva only. And in the rest of the half, all the creatures of world and all deities including her wife Lakshmi lives!

    Parashurama is also considered as great devotee of Shiva, Shiva gave him Parashu (axe), for which Parashurama is famous for.

    So, why doesn't Shiva worship anybody whereas Vishnu worships him in all his incarnations?

    What I think is, because Shiva is the only Supreme Paramatma as he is unborn (Ajanma), Akarta and Abhokta (Vairagi) as said in Geeta that God is Ajanma, Akarta and Abhokta. God is neerakar (shapeless and formless), Shiva Linga is symbol of Shiva's such form only.

    And also Vishnu always advised other deities (Kartikeya, Indra, Parvati, etc.) to worship Shiva only if they have mistakenly committed sins.

    1. All the above mentioned was done by krsna 2 reasons 1 the supreme lord loves to glorify his devotees. 2 he was performing Human pastimes and as humans who want material gains( including nirakar moksha) worship shiva, he also did as a ideal human being. πŸ™

  23. Lord Siva is the Supreme unborn , Lord Vishnu is the Supreme being but born by the names of Rama, Krishna e.t.c.. These Avatars are came at right time, at a particular point, to fullstop Atharma and he create perfect Tharma. In these aspect if we surrender Lord Vishnu he himself taking charge who surrenders and take him to the peace, because Lord Siva never born
    Supreme of the all gods : lord Siva{Lord vishnu(Lord Brahma)}
    Supreme of the all, except Lord Siva :Lord Vishnu{Lord Brahma(Universe)}
    Lord Vishnu is all the present things, from Lord Brahma where he created all the things.
    Simply we can say Lord Siva is a Stator(Unrotatable part helping hand for the rotable parts) Lord Vishnu is an Rotor(rotating part with the support of Stator).
    Lord Brahma creates Universe,Suns,Planets expanding and expanding so on until his life span organised by Lord Vishnu with the support of Lord Siva and then finally concluded at a particular point and then start expanding. Same process is continued repeated by then!.

  24. To call God Shiva a demigod is incorrect. This post, though claiming to be unbiased, is indeed biased as it ignores other authoritative scriptures that state that Shiva is the Supreme God. Just as a coin has two faces but it is one object, so it is that Shiva & Krshna (Vishnu) are 2 faces of the one Supreme God.To differentiate them & put 1 above the other is unwise. Aum.

  25. Lord Shiva commented on this sort of debate-
    Pathanti VedashastrAni Vivadanti Parasparam |
    Na JAnanti Param Tattvam Darvi PAkarasam YathA ||


    These persons constantly debate and argue with each other by reading Veda and other scriptures. But they don't get a clue of the Supreme Truth (Param Tattvam) just like the ladle does not get the taste of the food [which is cooked with its help].

    KulArnava Tantram 1.94
    And, this is actually what you see as happening in reality. All the philosophers claiming their thinking as the correct one and the most superior one argues with each other but all that is in vain.

    That no such philosophy is capable enough to depict the correct nature of Brahman (the Supreme reality) is made clear by Lord Shiva in the following verse:

    Advaitam Kecidicchanti Dvaitam icchanti ChApare |
    Mama Tatvam Na JAnanti DvaitAdvaita Vivarjitam ||


    Some prefers Advaita (non-dualism), some other prefers Dvaita (dualism). But my true nature (or the nature of the Brahman), which is devoid of both Dvaita and Advaita (DvaitAdvaita Vivarjitam) is not known to either of them.

    om namah Shivaya

    1. Aam.. when was this scripture composed.. will u please date bcos all the 5 jagat gurus gave us bonafide paths of truths and padma puran states only by walking on these paths we can attain our desired absolute goal. But this is completely contradicting a mahapuranπŸ™„

  26. very misleading information even this is not information just some iskon bullshit in almost every scripture shiva is above all can you say shiva a demi god and god of tamo guna you prooved yourself a dickhead. all the time you threw the false shit which fills your head. shiva is free of all guna absolute free of all doshas, ego and everything it is said in almost every single scripture and it is also the nature of universe completely neutral , fully in equilibrium which is shiva. shiva is sadashiv, the adi purush, para bramha from which every single thing born. stop posting these kind of false iskon shit.even iskon people are full of shit against shiva they are not true bhakts of vishnu or krishna because they said "shiva se droh rakhne wala mera bhakt nahi ho sakta". i also love krisna everyone loves him but i hate when someone mislead people and try to use religious books and stories for this kind of fake and idiotic posts. you are not even worth anger because you are a fool. vishnu and shiva both have same nature of love people can worship both of them but always with true and deep love.stop this nonsense

  27. All r fightng bz of god... bhrama vishshnu mahesh are equal they r 1 only. The make three side. Like utpatti. Palan and vinash. 1 se hi teen huwe hai. Teeno ne karm kiya hai. Or wo sab ek hi hai.. 1 se teen huwe hai.. or sirf karm sikhaya hai sab ko ki karm karo.. Ram sanyas me jab sati ne ram pe sandeh kiya tha tab. SHIVJI NE SATI KA tyag kiya tha. Bz Ram ko wo apna guru mante the. Or ramayan me likha hai shivji se bada Ram bhakt koi ho nai sakta.. or Ram ne bhi unki bhakti ki hai. Thy respact to each others. Ye pahile samjho. Bhagwan ek hi hai. Bas definetion alag hai.
    1 se 3 bane hai or apna apna granth chhod gaye hai. Pahile is baat ko samjho. Or achhe karm karne ko kaha h.
    Agar galat karm karte hoto bhahwan bhi khud uska fal bhogate hai .. tohh insan ko bhi bhogna hai.. so god 1 hi hai. Unhone apne aap ko 3 roop me divide kiya hai. Or karm ki bhasha batai hai.. now pls dont fight for kon bada h or kon chhota h. Wo ek hi hai. Tabhi shiva raam naam japte hai or ram om namah shivay. Wo ek hi hai. Bas bhakti ka ma marg dikha te hai.. prem se bhakti karo bas. Kisi ki bhi karo jayega ek hi jagah. JAY SHREE RAM JAY MAHAKAL.

  28. You’re correct. Jiva, Ishwara, Maya, Brahma and Parabhrama. Brahma, Vishnu and Shivji are ishwara and Lord Vishnu (not virat or maha Vishnu) and Shivji are equal. Shivji was created from between the eyebrows of Maha Vishnu or Virat and Pradhanpurusha- an entity or creation of Shri Krishna. Shri Krishna is Parabhrama. Thus, Lord Vishnu and Shri Krishna are NOT the EXACT same. And obviously Lord Shiva is NOT equal to the Supreme Lord and is subordinate to Lord Shri Krishna. Lord Vishnu is a medium and creation of Shri Krishna. Lord Krishna also can be seen as chaturbhuja (4 armed) with the same appearance as lord Vishnu but they are not the same. Lord Maha Vishnu (from whom 3 ishwaras were created) is FROM lord Krishna. As is Shivji. Shivji was created from MahaVishnu or Virat (as stated above). It is true that Mahadevji worshipped Shri Krishna and knows He is the reason of his (Shivji) existence. Shri Krishna is parabrahma, ABOVE jiva, ISHWARA, maya and brahma. Golok is way way above kailash and during maha pralay, kailash also disappears and all water into light into air into space (akash), ahankar and mahatatva (maha purdah, pradhan purush and Prakriti purush) into aksharbrahma into Golok which is the abode of Shri Krishna. Shri Krishna and lord Rama are manifestations(avatar) of parabrahma, which is above Ishwara (ex
    shivji). Those who think shivji and supreme lord Shri Hari Krishna is equal to and same to him only think that because they do not have the insight or the ability to see further and beyond Shivji. Lord shiva would definitely agree. As stated above, even Shivji is affected by Shri Hari’s maya. I pray to shivji too and ask for nishkam bhakti and devotion to lord Shri Krishna like him. Parabrahma also have signs upon his feet (swatstika, urdhwarekha, ankush, vajra, bow and arrow, triangle, lotus, cresent moon, kalash, gopad, flag)= it is written in vedas, Shastra and Puranas that this is the way that one can identify parabrahma when he manifests upon earth and he into whom all the avatars are absorbed is parabrahma. that Lord Shri Krishna- parabrahma is the only one who can provide mukti, moksha, eternal salvation. Even Vedas can not truly understand him, parabhrama can only understand parabrahma. Those who worship lord Shri Ram reach vaikunth dham and Shri Krishna Golok dham which is highest and above all (lord Rama and his other avatar as is another form of Shri Krishna and a manifestation of parabrahma) and after maha pralay only Supreme God and bhaktas remain. Also, there are many (infinity) Brahmandas and universes and that many brahmas, Vishnu and mahesh (shivji) and they are all under his control. Those who worship Brahma tatva will be one with Brahma but not attain eternal bliss and moksha. But those who are short sighted won’t understand and if they believe otherwise, that is their loss and they can believe whatever they wish and attain worldly bliss but NOT MOKSHA. Shivji is the greatest yogi in the material world but The supreme lord is greater (he meditates upon the supreme lord in mystic yoga) and the reason of his divinity is Shri Hari Krishna . Shivji is a great Bhakt of the Supreme Lord (the main, supreme Narayana) and satchitananda parabrahma Shri Hari. Those who don’t believe the truth think that Gitaji is false. Gitaji is the lords voice, no interpretation of anyone and is written in crystal clear words that no one can misunderstand and is the essence of all other Shastras and Puranas. Remember: Parabrahma is always above Ishwara and above all. Shivji is ishwara and Shri Krishna is parabrahma and Shri Ram and His other avataras are manifestations of parabrahma. This is the unbiased, eternal truth. What is written in the article above is 100% true. The truth is truth and no disbelief, unwillingness to believe, agyana’s veil or shortsightedness or blindness will ever change the truth.
    Keshav Madhav Hari Hari Bol, Mukund Madhav Hari Hari Bol

  29. Follow upon the path of Dharma, meditate, be enlightened with gyana and vayragya (knowledge and detachment) (like shivji who embodies gyana, vairagya and bhakti of the supreme lord) and know that you are a soul (self realization) and that God (Parabrahma) (Shree Krishna) resides within every soul (even that of all ishwaras (including Mahadevji) resides within mine and yours too. The path to eternal and direct salvation is not just Shri Krishna bhakti but also following dharma, gyana (by listening to katha and sadhu sang (satsang), dispassion of material things and maya and looking to attain moksha and eternal bliss from Hari bhakti and immersing yourself within the supreme lord and Parabrahma and love for Shri Krishna or lord Ram. Bhakti, Dharma, Gyana and Vairagya are the 4 pillars of salvation and navigation bhakti. We are very lucky we are on earth and can attain moksha much easier than the devas. Respect and bow down to all Gods and demigods but meditate upon, essentially worship and do bhakti of only Parabrahma. Call him Rama, call him Krishna. He is Parabrahma, Supreme Lord and Ultimate Controller of all and everything. He resides in everything and is everywhere. Everything is within His control; not one leaf can move without His permission. He is in every living thing, in Shivji, me, you and non living too. There is nowhere in the universe and beyond this universe where he is not present. He is the infinite beginning and the ultimate end. Just think about Meerabai. The eternal bliss of prabhu Hari bhakti is infinite and incomparable to any other meditation. The highest point of samadhi is not just Brahma or infinite light, it is seeing parabrahma within that light.
    Jai Parabrahma Purushottam Satchitananda Janardana Shri Krishna
    Brahmaham Krishna daasosmi
    Jai Shree Hari Jai Shree Krishna

  30. Thanks for your post.I enjoyed the article about Krishna.

  31. ishvarah paramah krishnah
    anadir adir govindaha

  32. here's a difference Lord Shiva is the destroyer and lord vishnu is the preserver . e.g Hanuman is a form of shiva not incarnation As per the Valmiki Ramayana, it is said that Anjana performed intense prayers for 12 long years and pleased Lord Shiva to get the blessing for a child. Lord Hanuman is therefore, a result of Lord Shiva’s blessing and HE WAS BORN TO SERVE RAMA (LORD VISHNU AVATAR)

  33. As per Shiv Puran one would know that Shiva is Nada and takes a pure form within the reality as Rudra and Mahesh. These forms are of the highest purity for a being within this creation. The highest form that is accessible to all is the Lingam. The narrative from the author is biased and disappointing, one who meditates doesn’t need those books to understand the truth. Shiva manifests into everything and Vishnu is the being who is created to preserve the creation which will eventually be destroyed by Rudra. All the beings should be respected and loved, offcourse the levels are different depending on what you want to attain. Rudra will teach you tools on how to end the game aka meditation. Vishnu will teach you how to enjoy and continue playing the game. Shiva will teach you how to be indifferent to everything, that all was created for an experience... Nothing more nothing less. One who meditates into nothingness will receive the knowledge without reading, he will understand the path of Shiva and through is grace attain moksha infinitely.

    1. Padma puran, 4 canto clearly lists the 18 puranas divided into 6-6-6 categories as in mode of tamo rajo and sato gun, this listing is done by bholenath himself to ma sati. Interestingly he himself includes his own linga and shiv puran in tamo gunam. Further shlokas he states that if the tamo gunas in any case contradict the sato guni puranas those parts should not be accepted by the scholars.
      Hope it clears everythingπŸ™
      Im not a shiv drohi at all, but the oppression we vaishnavas have faced since ages in south and central india by shaivites who often enacted violently to prove their point., needs some light on it ..πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

  34. Shiva means union. Everything is Shiva. Watch inner worlds outer worlds on YouTube - mentions different names of the absolute we know has Shiva... All things arise from this timeline shapeless formless vibration also known as Nada. All religions and differences also arise but in the purest of forms it is a vibration.. the differences are all part of a Leela played by Shiva. It’s all a story, don’t take it seriously in debate... in the end when one passes away hopefully they will be enlightened with the truth... Till then meditate and just maybe the answers and feeling of comfort will be achieved.

  35. Prabhu shiva in sanskrit means 'pure'
    The shewataswatra upanishad describes brahmn as shiva or pure.

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